MusAfrica is the banana research network for Africa, established in 2020 following the merging of the two regional banana networks : Innovate Plantain, established in 2009 and representing Central and West African countries, and the Banana Research Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (BARNESA), established in 1994 mainly representing eastern and Southern Africa countries. MusAfrica has 21 member countries, each with a representative and is managed by Alliance Bioversity-CIAT.
The network seeks to increase the contribution of bananas to food security and nutrition and economic growth across the banana producing and consuming regions of Africa. Its goal is to contribute to increased and sustainable agricultural productivity in the region with the purpose of establishing a sustainable commercialized banana sector.
Beatrice Nakhauka Ekesa (b.ekesa@ cgiar.org)
Bonaventure Aman Omondi (b.a.omondi@ cgiar.org)
Regional news

Largest plantain nursery (100 acres) in Ghana to distribute 1.5 million seedlings to farmers
Two private-sector companies in Ghana have invested in the promotion of science and technology to support the plantain industry and farmers’ livelihoods. Kumad Global Impact
Country | Representative | Institute | Email address |
Bénin | Capo Chichi Elodie Béatrice | INRAB | elbatrice@ yahoo.fr |
Burundi | Célestin Niyongere | ISABU- Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi | cniyongere@ yahoo.fr |
Burkina Faso | Drissa SEREME | INERA- Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research | drissa.sereme@ coraf.org |
Cameroon | Gerard Ngoh Newilah | CARBAP | gbngoh@ gmail.com |
Côte d’Ivoire | Siaka TRAORE | CNRA | traoresk8@ gmail.com |
Congo | Anselme NGANGA NZOMONO | Programme Plantain Banane Ananas | nganganselme@ gmail.com |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Germaine Hermine VANGU PAKA | Station de Recherche de Bimbresso | germainehermine02@ gmail.com |
Ethiopia | Chala ALEMAYEHU | Hawassa University | alemayehuchala@ yahoo.com |
Gabon | Andeime Eyene Miryanne | IRAF | myrelsa@ yahoo.fr |
Ghana | Beloved Mensah Dzomeku | CSIR-Crops Research Institute (CRI) | mdzomeku@ yahoo.com |
Kenya | Nasambu Okoko | Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization -Kisii Centre | Evalyn.Okoko@ kalro.org |
Nigeria | Sunday Akinyemi | NIHORT | sosaking2002@ yahoo.com |
Madagascar | Nany Fleuron | FOFIFA, Madagascar | nanyfleuron@ yahoo.fr |
Malawi | Misheck M.M. Soko | Department of Agricultural Research Services | mafeni.mmsoko@ gmail.com |
Mauritius | Babita Jhurree-Dussoruth | Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Insitute (FAREI) | babita3jdussoruth@ gmail.com |
Mozambique | Bila Mussane Cecilia Ruth | National Agricultural Research of Mozambique – IIAM | ruthbila@ yahoo.com |
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) | Anselme NGANGA NZOMONO | Institut national de Recherche Agronomique (IRA) / CONGO | nganganselme@ gmail.com |
Rwanda | Svetlana GAIDASHOVA | Rwanda Agricultural Research Institute | gaidashova@ yahoo.com |
South Africa | Daneel Mieke HUTSEBAUT | ARC- Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops (ITSC) | mieke@ arc.agric.za |
Sudan | Salah BABIKER BAKHIET | Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) | salba54@ yahoo.com |
Tanzania | Shimwela Mpoki | Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, ARI-Maruku | Mpokis@ yahoo.com |
Uganda | Jerome Kubiriba | National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) | jkubiriba2012@ gmail.com |