Thematic Groups

There are currently 7 MusaNet thematic groups that work across all disciplines of banana-related research:

Conservation Partnership and Safe Movement of Germplasm


  • Strengthen the capacity of partners for the cost-effective long-term conservation and management of germplasm collections
  • Facilitate safe access to useful Musa genetic resources in improvement programmes and by other users

Email: bioversity-musanetconservation@ 

Genetic Diversity, Gap Filling, Taxonomy and Characterization


  • Ensure the secured conservation of the entire Musa genepool by assessing the diversity conserved and filling gaps, with an emphasis on threatened material
  • Enhance the value of Musa genetic resources through effective collaborative characterization

Email: bioversity-musanetgeneticdiversity@

Germplasm Evaluation and Use


  • Enhance the value of Musa diversity through effective collaborative evaluation and pre-breeding efforts
  • Set priorities for evaluation research, breeding, and use of Musa diversity, ensuring critical links with the regional networks

Email: bioversity-musanetgermplasmevaluation@

Germplasm Information and Documentation


  • Raise awareness with key partners on the importance of Musa conservation, documentation, exchange and sharing the benefits arising from their use

Email: bioversity-musanetinformationanddocumentation@



  • Apply genomics tools to banana to better characterize Musa genetic resources in collections and eventually support knowledge for breeding
  • Discuss, advise, coordinate and prioritize resource development in genomics

Email: bioversity-musanetgenomics@

Production Systems 


  • Explore and innovate integrated pest managment (IPM) technologies/ approaches, including biocontrol approaches to control banana pests and diseases
  • Strengthen the capacity of partners to mitigate impacts of banana pests and diseases
  • Prevent pest or disease spread through surveillance, mapping, risk assessments and early warning system development
  • Strengthen the capacity of partners to increase banana system productivity and resilience through sustainable intensification and diversification approaches
  • Develop and or/ mainstream modelling tools and approaches for sustainable system intensification
  • Mainstream the use of digital tools for knowledge sharing, production system mapping and banana health status assessments

Value Chain


  • Strengthen the capacity of partners for cost-effective long-term postharvest management of Musa
  • Enhance the value of Musa through effective collaborative and postharvest characterization
  • Set priorities for postharvest and market research, ensuring critical links with the regional networks
  • Document/catalogue socially differentiated information on cultivar use and preferences for the diverse value chain actors