MusaNet is the global collaborative framework for Musa related research and a partnership of all key stakeholders, aiming to ensure the long-term conservation and increased use of Musa diversity globally.
MusaNet welcomes members from a wide range of Musa research interests. Membership is on an expertise basis and not on institutional or country representation basis.
The structure of MusaNet consists of a Coordinating Secretariat, an Expert Committee and seven Thematic Groups in which experts discuss and propose solutions on key thematic areas of Musa genetic resources. Critical links with the three regional banana research networks are ensured with representation in the Expert Committee. The structure of MusaNet is further detailed in the Modus Operandi.
The strategic framework of MusaNet is provided by the Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Musa Genetic Resources which was first developed in 2006. It was updated in 2016 with the involvement of national, regional and international partners with the aim to bring urgent and critical assistance to unique germplasm and ensure their sustainable long-term conservation for use. The Global Musa Strategy sets priorities and engages partners and users and facilitates the sharing of knowledge between researchers and end-users. Stakeholders, including donors, partners, and beneficiaries, have provided extensive input into the development of the strategy. Donors such as The Global Crop Diversity Trust uses the strategy to guide the allocation of funds to priority activities. MusaNet provides the mechanisms to ensure the efficient coordination and implementation of the Global Musa Strategy and stimulate the involvement of all partners.