The Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT operates a small Secretariat for the overall coordination of MusaNet, with the following responsibilities:
- Provide support to Thematic Groups and Expert Committee to ensure that agreed workplans are carried out;
- Facilitate the development for internet workspace and email list server for each Thematic Group and Expert Committee and a website with links to different databases;
- Gather and distribute information and provide progress reports on a regular basis, initiate ad hoc activities in accordance with Expert Committee’s guidance;
- Organizing Thematic Group and Expert Committee meetings.
- Be responsible for the financial management of MusaNet. Raise public awareness about MusaNet, its goal and activities.
Currently the Coordination Secretariat is composed of the following Alliance staff:
Nicolas Roux, MusaNet Coordinator
Rachel Chase, Assistant Coordinator
Parc Scientific Agropolis II
1990 Boulevard de la Lironde
34397 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Email: musanetsecretariat@