BAPNET is the Banana Asia-Pacific Network. It was established in 1991, as ASPNET, to foster collaborative research on bananas and renamed in 2001. BAPNET operates under the auspices of APAARI (Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutes) and is guided by a Steering Committee, which is made up of heads of the national agricultural research institutes of member countries. This committee meets every two years to review progress and identify research needs and other points of convergence and collaboration among countries. The network is coordinated by Alliance Bioversity-CIAT.
Sijun Zheng (s.zheng@ cgiar.org)
Member-elected representative
Uma Subbaraya Chetty (directornrcb@ icar.gov.in)
Regional news

Virtual Symposium – Sept 2020
On 22nd September 2020, “The 4th Symposium on Exchange and Cooperation to Enhance Innovation for Agricultural Science and Technology in South & Southeast Asia” was held successfully in Kunming City, China.
Country | Representative | Institute | Email address |
Australia | Stewart Lindsay | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) | Stewart.Lindsay@ daf.qld.gov.au |
China | Yi Ganjun | Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS) | yiganjun@ vip.163.com |
India | Subbaraya Chetty Uma | National Research Centre on Banana (NRCB) | directornrcb@ gmail.com |
Indonesia | Agus Sutanto | Indonesia Tropical Fruit Research Institute (ITFRI) | bagusutanto.03@ gmail.com |
Malaysia | Johari Sarip | Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI | joharis@ mardi.gov.my |
Myanmar | Min San Thein | Department of Agricultural Research | minsanthein@ gmail.com |
Pacific Countries (SPC) | LogotonuMeleiseaWaqainabete | Secretariat of the Pacific Community | logow@ spc.int |
Papua New Guinea | Birte Nass-Komolong | National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) | birte.komolong@ nari.org.pg |
Philippines | Reynaldo Ebora | Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) | r.ebora@ pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph |
Sri Lanka | Dharshani Bandupriya | University of Colombo | dbandupriya@ pts.cmb.ac.lk |
Taiwan | Chiu-Ying Chiou | Taiwan Banana Research Institute (TBRI) | cychiou@ mail.banana.org.tw |
Vietnam | Vu Dang Toan | Plant Resources Center | vdtoannga2003@ gmail.com |